Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Excuse me, I just need to pop out for a minute and KILL MYSELF.

Yesterday I had an email from a recruiter, asking me to please call so we could discuss potential opportunities. I phoned him right away and left what I was proud to think was a competent, friendly greeting asking him to call and leaving my home number. I knew he had my number from my resume, but figured leaving it rounded out my message nicely.

He called back a couple of hours later and after the "hi's" and "thanks for callings" he mentioned that the reason he emailed rather than calling in the first place is that I had a typo in the phone number on my resume, and I might want to fix that. Then he continued with the phone screen. He asked what my strongest professional skills are.

Well, since my go-to answer about my skills is that I am very good at "writing and proof reading," this job search is over. I have no choice but to fall on my sword.

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