Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Yes, I'm still very allergic.

Sunday night when we got back from motorcycle school Gigolo was on the front porch and was even more meow-y than usual. We let him in the house like we've done a couple of times since the thunderstorm, and poor guy had a scratch on his nose and a hitch in his giddyup; he wouldn't put much weight on one of his front paws.

Instead of wandering the house like he's done before he jumped right up on the couch and stayed there, tail twitching and lifting his head every time there was a sound from outside. Dude must have gotten his butt kicked in some kind of cat fight, and when it came time to put him outside before we went to bed he just stood on the porch meowing and meowing...

And Monday morning when I came back from my run he was there waiting, and his leg was bleeding. Geez, fella, pull the heart strings a little more! He bolted into the house, jumped on the couch, and didn't move until I picked him up a few hours later. I put him in a box, taped it up and drove to a vet, where they kept him overnight fixing his paw and cutting out his man-bits.

So now we have an indoor pet.

Weigh in on this in the comments section please: my dad pointed out that he's clearly a Sylvester like me (Sylvester is my maiden name); his coloring is just like the cartoon cat. Now Ed wants to change his name to Sylvester. I still like Gigolo, given his history of lady-loving. Maybe we should go with Arlene's suggestion of Gigo-Sly?



  1. He DOES look like Sylvester! I am so glad you took him to the vet to be cleaned up and fixed. Yay for whatever-his-name-will-be!

    I personally like Gigolo still but if you're looking for an alternative, how about just Sly?

  2. a hitch in his giddyup - you're already a Texan! we have a black-and-white cat that adopted us several years ago that hubby named "Lucky" (as in "he's g-d lucky i let him in. i hate cats.") that we love. He's quite the lothario too...wonder if you can tell a lover by his colors!

    and until you have a new job,keep writing about the cat - i'll read!

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