Thursday, April 16, 2009

Conflict in the home

So, y'all may have noticed that I've been calling the cat "Gigolo" even though Ed wanted to change his name to "Sylvester." I wasn't keen on the name change, but he started calling the cat "Sly" or "Sylvester" anyways. That lasted until the third time he said, "Sly! Treats!" and I came running, to find that the treats were tiny fishy nasty things, not big cold margaritas. Imagine my disappointment. So I told Ed that I was Sly long before I was MacSly and I wouldn't give my name to the cat.

So Ed told me to pick a new name, since "Gigolo" is fine for a stray moocher cat, but not for one with toys and expensive fungus medicine. I told him I'd think about it, but didn't, and kept calling the little guy Gigolo. It's his name.

Only, Ed still hates the name and is determined to break me calling the cat "Mr. Snugglesworth." And he always says it in a high, teasing tone that gets right down to my bones with the shudders. It's such a terrible name that I'm almost ready to compromise.


He is kinda snuggly.


  1. "It's frickin freezing in here, Mr. Sugglesworth!"

  2. Mr. Snugglesworth. Classic.

    Of course, Sylvester is even more classic. And oh-so-fitting. Give in!

  3. As long as it's not Kittyskates McAwesomeCopter. That would probably be your brother's first choice.
