Thursday, January 8, 2009

Finally (Part I)

It's all going to be okay. There is Braum's in Texas. The closest store is three hours from San Antonio, road trip possible.

This is reassuring, since we arrived in San Antonio about three hours ago and I'm tired of traveling, I'm tired of my luggage, and I'm tired of being homeless. But I'm jazzed that Ed found the first Braum's on the interstate (Springfield, Illinois), then we stopped again for lunch yesterday in Coffeyville Kansas, and then, because God wants me in Texas, there was a Braum's today at lunchtime in Denison, Texas.

I texted my dad, who first introduced me to Braum's as a child, "There's Braum's in Texas!"

He wrote back, "Buy some," to which I responded "duuuuuuuh...." just in case he's missing me. I wanted to remind him why he's glad I'm grown up and moved away and not 14 years old and rolling my eyes at everything he says.


  1. Thanks for the clarification :) I was wondering what Braum's was from your FB post. Glad to hear you guys arrived safely! Miss you!

  2. Braum's sounds wonderful... I want to go to there. ;-)

    I second Gina's sentiments. Glad you guys got there safely, but miss you lots already!

  3. All I can say is you had better have some Braum's in your freezer when I come to visit, I'll provide my own M&Ms.

  4. hey! i googled braum's, and they're all over the place up here (closest one is about 10 minutes - which is close here). i guess i should try it!

    also, if we ever come down to SA to visit our friends, i'll bring you some. is there a flavor or something you like?

  5. Ah Braums. I loved that place as a kid. However - and this may be totally sacrilegious of me to say - but having their ice cream as an adult, I kind of have to say it's good but not fantastic. Gasp! My husband totally, disagrees, as you know :)
